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Crashes on Oklahoma City roads are on the rise. Traffic deaths increased by 34%, with 99 fatalities in 2021. Most traffic fatalities occur on streets where speeds are 45 miles per hour or above, or streets with limited street lighting.

Oklahoma City is developing a Vision Zero Plan to reach zero fatalities and eliminate deadly crashes on our public roadways. Oklahoma City strives to protect all road users with the Vision Zero Plan and create a safer, more equitable mobility system for all. The City of Oklahoma City received federal grant funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation to develop a Vision Zero Plan for OKC.

See OKC's Vision Zero Action Plan

See the draft plan to reduce fatal crashes, improve roadway safety and create a safer road network in OKC. Public comments closed on Jan. 8, 2025.

OKC Vision Zero Fact Sheet

Project team

Justin Henry

Transportation Planner

City of Oklahoma City

Max Harris

Transportation Planner

City of Oklahoma City

Sasha Tepedelenova McCrone

Transportation Planner

City of Oklahoma City