
Virtual public meeting

The City of Oklahoma City is seeking public input on a major project at the intersection of May Avenue and Northwest Expressway. This project will replace the aging bridge and make significant improvements to the intersection to enhance safety and traffic flow.

Learn about the project:

Watch the video above or download the presentation, which covers:

  • Current intersection conditions and challenges.
  • Proposed improvements and the project timeline.
  • Environmental impact considerations.
  • Traffic data and accident history.
  • Three different design options for the intersection.
  • The project's schedule and next steps.
  • Instructions on how to submit your comments.

Provide your feedback:
  • Review the project details and design alternatives presented in the video.
  • Submit your comments on the interactive map provided below.
  • All comments must be submitted by April 25, 2025, to be considered in the project's development. The original comment timeframe was to expire on March 31. The comment timeframe has been extended through April 25.

Three alternatives

Three alternatives were evaluated during the preliminary engineering phase of the design process.

Diverging Diamond Interchange design

Diverging diamond interchange

The first alternative evaluated was a Diverging Diamond Interchange, commonly called a DDI. A DDI allows free flow of left turns at the ramp intersections, resulting in fewer traffic conflict points and more efficient traffic movements within the interchange.

Cloverleaf interchange drawing

Clover leaf design

This is similar to the existing conditions, except it would add a cloverleaf in the southeast quadrant of the interchange to allow traffic movement from eastbound NW Expressway to Northbound May Avenue. A key goal of the project is to increase the bridge vertical clearance over NW Expressway. This grade increase impacts the design of the interchange ramps, resulting in steep grades.

Conventional diamond interchange

Conventional diamond interchange

The third alternative considered was a conventional diamond interchange. This is an interchange configuration that drivers are used to traveling through. It would add two signals on May Ave where the ramps intersect. This interchange also has a higher number of traffic conflict points.

Preferred alternative

Before DDI Alternative

Diverging diamond interchange (DDI)

May Avenue crossing over NW Expressway

A diverging diamond interchange (DDI) is a type of diamond interchange that allows traffic to temporarily cross to the left side of the road. DDIs are designed to reduce the number of places where traffic crosses each other, which can reduce the potential for crashes. They also allow for multiple traffic movements to happen at the same time.

Why DDIs Work Well

  • Fewer Traffic Signals
  • Improved Safety
  • Efficient Use of Space

Collision history

Heat map of the collision history at May and NW Expressway.

Collision data

• 377 collisions in the past 10 years

• 1 fatality

• 7 serious injuries

• Most collisions occur at the ramp connections to May Ave and Northwest Expressway.